James Snyder

Mastering the Multicam: The Art and Challenges of Acting in Multicamera Sitcoms

In the ever-evolving landscape of television production, the debate between multicamera and single-camera setups continues to shape the narrative and performance styles of actors and directors alike. Multicamera sitcoms, with their long history rooted in the early days of television, present unique challenges and techniques for actors, distinguishing them markedly from their single-camera counterparts. This article from James Snyder delves into the intricacies of acting in multicamera productions, exploring the specific hurdles actors face and the distinctive skills they must hone to excel in this demanding yet rewarding environment.

The Essence of Multicamera Production

Multicamera productions are typically filmed on a soundstage, featuring multiple cameras recording simultaneously from different angles. This setup is most common in sitcoms, where the action unfolds in real-time, often in front of a live studio audience. The layout allows for quicker shooting schedules compared to single-camera shows, as it captures all angles of a scene in one take. This efficiency, however, comes with its own set of challenges for actors.

Navigating the Stage with Precision

One of the primary challenges in multicamera acting is the strict requirement for spatial awareness and blocking. Actors must hit their marks precisely to ensure they are in the correct position for each camera angle. This precision is crucial not only for maintaining consistency across shots but also for ensuring that the live audience has an unobstructed view of the performance. The presence of multiple cameras necessitates a heightened awareness of where each camera is at any given time, compelling actors to adjust their performances to accommodate these technical requirements.

Playing to the Audience and Cameras

Multicamera sitcoms often employ a live studio audience, adding another layer of complexity to the actor’s performance. The immediate feedback from the audience can energize the cast and influence the pacing of scenes. Actors must balance their performances to engage both the in-studio audience and the viewers at home. This dual focus requires a nuanced understanding of timing, particularly in comedic roles, where actors must pause for audience laughter without breaking the rhythm of the scene.

The Energy of Live Performance

The live aspect of multicamera productions imbues them with an energy akin to theater. Actors must project and enunciate more than they might in a single-camera setting, where subtlety and nuance can be captured closely and intimately. This theatrical element demands a dynamic range of expression and the ability to sustain a high energy level throughout the performance, especially given the potential for multiple takes in front of a live audience.

Contrasting Single-Camera Techniques

Single-camera setups, in contrast, offer a more cinematic quality, allowing for greater flexibility in camera angles and lighting. This format lends itself to more intimate and nuanced performances, as actors can focus on subtlety and naturalism without the immediate pressure of a live audience. The absence of multiple cameras and a studio audience changes the dynamic significantly, offering actors more freedom to explore their characters in depth.

The Intimacy of the Single Camera

Without the need to project for a live audience, actors in single-camera productions can deliver more subdued, nuanced performances. The camera can move with the actor, capturing subtle expressions and gestures that might be lost on a multicamera set. This closeness creates an intimacy that can deepen the audience’s connection to the characters and story.

Flexibility and Exploration

The single-camera format also allows for greater flexibility in shooting locations, enabling a broader range of settings and more dynamic storytelling. Actors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in diverse environments, from bustling city streets to quiet, intimate spaces. This variety can inspire more authentic performances, as actors draw on their surroundings to inform their character’s experiences.

Mastering Multicamera Acting

To excel in multicamera sitcoms, actors must develop a specific skill set that balances theatrical projection with the intimacy of camera work. Mastery of blocking and spatial awareness is essential, as is the ability to connect with both a live audience and the camera. Actors must also adapt to the rapid pace of multicamera shooting schedules, maintaining consistency in their performances across multiple takes.

Acting in multicamera sitcoms presents a unique blend of challenges and rewards, requiring a distinct approach that differs significantly from single-camera productions. The multicamera format demands precise blocking, an ability to engage with both live and at-home audiences, and a high level of energy and projection. Despite these challenges, the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience offers an unparalleled thrill and immediacy. As television continues to evolve, the art of multicamera acting remains a vital and vibrant pathway for actors seeking to connect with audiences in the most immediate and engaging way possible.

James Snyder

Breaking Free from the Mold: Navigating Typecasting in Television

In the ever-evolving landscape of television, the phenomenon of typecasting remains a significant challenge for many actors. Defined as the process of pigeonholing performers into specific roles based on their previous characters, physical appearance, or demographic characteristics, typecasting can severely limit an actor’s career opportunities and growth. In this article, James Snyder explains how many actors have successfully navigated and overcome this hurdle, paving the way for a more dynamic and versatile career path.

Understanding Typecasting

Typecasting often stems from an actor’s standout performance in a particular role that becomes so iconic that audiences and casting directors struggle to dissociate them from that character. While this can initially boost an actor’s career, offering them steady work, it can also become a double-edged sword, hindering their ability to showcase their range and versatility. Actors like Leonard Nimoy, who became synonymous with his role as Spock in “Star Trek,” and Daniel Radcliffe, known worldwide as Harry Potter, have publicly spoken about the challenges of breaking away from their iconic characters.

The Impact on Careers

The implications of typecasting extend beyond the repetitive nature of roles; they can also influence an actor’s financial stability and mental health. Being seen only as suitable for certain types of characters can lead to a lack of diversity in the roles offered, potentially resulting in periods of unemployment or dissatisfaction for the actor. This limitation can stifle creativity and personal growth, leading to frustration and, in some cases, a decline in passion for the craft.

Strategies for Breaking Free

Despite the challenges, many actors have developed strategies to break free from the typecasting cycle, demonstrating that with determination and versatility, it is possible to redefine one’s career.

• Diverse Role Selection
Actively seeking out roles that differ significantly from previous characters is a crucial strategy. This might mean taking on projects in independent films, theater productions, or genres that an actor has not previously explored. For instance, Bryan Cranston successfully transitioned from the comedic father figure in “Malcolm in the Middle” to the complex, dramatic role of Walter White in “Breaking Bad,” showcasing his incredible range and effectively shattering his comedic typecast.

• Continuous Training
Dedication to the craft through ongoing training can also help actors escape typecasting. Workshops, acting classes, and even voice lessons can equip actors with new skills that make them more adaptable and marketable. This continuous improvement not only enhances an actor’s ability to tackle a variety of roles but also demonstrates their commitment to growth, making them more appealing to casting directors looking for versatile talent.

• Personal Projects
Creating or producing their own content allows actors to tailor roles to their strengths and interests, showcasing their abilities in a new light. This approach has been adopted by numerous actors who, unable to find the diverse roles they sought, decided to take control of their careers. Reese Witherspoon’s production company, Hello Sunshine, for example, focuses on telling stories from a female perspective, offering her and others complex, dynamic roles that defy traditional typecasting.

• Networking and Advocacy
Building strong relationships within the industry can also aid in breaking the typecasting mold. Networking with directors, writers, and producers who are known for their innovative and diverse casting can open doors to opportunities that might not have been available otherwise. Additionally, actors who speak openly about their desire to explore different types of roles may encourage casting directors to consider them for projects that they might not have otherwise.

• Success Stories
The television industry is filled with success stories of actors who have broken free from the confines of typecasting. Michael K. Williams, for example, after being typecast in roles as a drug dealer or criminal, showcased his range in “The Night Of” and “Lovecraft Country,” earning critical acclaim. Similarly, against the odds, Michelle Williams transitioned from her teen drama roots in “Dawson’s Creek” to become a highly respected actress in both indie and mainstream films, demonstrating the potential for transformation within an actor’s career.

Navigating typecasting in television is undoubtedly challenging, but it is far from insurmountable. Through strategic role selection, continuous training, personal projects, and networking, actors can break free from the molds into which they’ve been cast, opening up a world of opportunities. The journey requires resilience, versatility, and a relentless pursuit of growth, but the reward—a dynamic and fulfilling career—is well worth the effort. In the end, breaking free from typecasting not only benefits the actors themselves but also enriches the television industry as a whole, offering audiences a wider range of narratives and performances to enjoy.

James Snyder

The Art of Vocal Mastery: Essential Techniques and Health Practices for Stage Performers

The voice, a remarkable instrument of infinitely complex and beautiful capabilities, is central to the careers of singers, actors, and stage performers. James Snyder emphasizes that achieving vocal mastery and maintaining vocal health are vital for a sustainable career in the performing arts. This comprehensive guide delves deeply into the essentials of vocal techniques, vocal health, and training practices that are crucial for every stage performer.

Mastering Essential Vocal Techniques

• Breath Control: The Foundation of Vocal Mastery

Breath control, rooted in diaphragmatic breathing, is the cornerstone of vocal technique, providing stability and power. Understanding and practicing deep, controlled breathing exercises, such as sustained hissing or straw phonation, are key. These exercises not only enhance breath management, but also support the overall quality and endurance of the voice, which is essential for demanding stage performances.

• Articulation and Diction: Keys to Clarity

Articulation and diction are paramount, especially onstage where clarity in delivery is necessary for reaching the audience directly. Engaging in regular practice with tongue twisters, reading aloud with exaggerated articulation, and singing scales while focusing on consonants can significantly improve a performer’s diction, ensuring every word and note is conveyed with precision.

• Vocal Range Expansion: Reaching the Highs and Lows

Safe vocal range expansion involves a gradual process of consistent practice. Starting within a comfortable range and slowly extending the boundaries through scales and arpeggios can help with gently stretching vocal limits. This method avoids strain and promotes a healthy approach to achieving a broader vocal spectrum.

• Dynamics and Expression: Bringing Songs to Life

Learning to control dynamics, from the softest pianissimo to the most powerful fortissimo, as well as practicing expressive singing with varied emotional intentions, is crucial. Experimenting with tone color and dynamic changes adds emotional depth and brings authenticity to performances, making them more compelling and engaging for the audience.

Upholding Vocal Health: A Priority for Performers

• Warm-ups and Cool-downs: Essential Daily Routines

Vocalists need to prepare their vocal cords with warm-ups and relax them with cool-downs after use, similar to how athletes must treat their muscles. Incorporating a variety of scales, hums, lip trills, and gentle yawns in daily routines ensures the vocal cords are prepared for the demands of performance while reducing the risk of injury.

• Hydration: The Key to Vocal Lubrication

Keeping the vocal cords well-hydrated is crucial for efficient vibration and reducing irritation. Aiming for at least 8 glasses of water daily and using a humidifier in dry environments can help maintain optimal vocal cord lubrication.

• Avoiding Vocal Strain: Techniques and Lifestyle Choices

Reducing vocal strain involves proper microphone techniques, avoiding shouting, and projecting using the diaphragm. Additionally, lifestyle adjustments like limiting alcohol, caffeine, and avoiding smoking are critical as these substances can dry out the vocal cords and lead to inflammation.

• Rest and Recovery: Vital for Longevity

Regular periods of vocal rest are essential, especially after performances or long rehearsals. This rest period allows the vocal cords to recover from heavy use, much like any other muscle in the body, and is vital for the longevity of a performer’s career.

• Diet Considerations: Foods That Help or Harm

The right diet can significantly impact vocal health. Foods high in hydration and low in acid, such as fruits and vegetables, are beneficial, while spicy foods, dairy, and acidic foods that can irritate the vocal cords should be avoided.

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Techniques and Continuous Learning

• Exploring Vocal Styles and Advanced Techniques

Each genre of performance, from musical theatre to classical, has unique vocal techniques. Learning these genre-specific techniques and exploring vocal effects like vibrato, falsetto, and vocal fry adds color and texture to performances, enhancing the performer’s versatility.

• Acting and Stage Presence: The Other Half of Performance

In addition to vocal ability, acting skills and stage presence are integral to captivating an audience. Engaging the audience with emotive facial expressions, body language, and a deep connection to the material is essential. Participating in acting classes and workshops will greatly enhance one’s stage presence and emotional expressiveness.

• Continuous Education: A Lifelong Journey

The world of vocal performance is constantly evolving. Staying informed about the latest techniques and vocal health research, while engaging in regular lessons and workshops, keeps a performer’s skills and mind sharp.

The journey to vocal mastery is an ongoing process of learning, practice, and care. For stage performers, this involves mastering a range of vocal techniques and committing to a lifestyle that supports vocal health. Nurturing their talent with dedication and knowledge enables performers to have a vibrant and enduring presence on the stage, captivating audiences with the power and beauty of their voices. Every note sung or word spoken is an expression of the artist’s soul, deserving the utmost care and respect.

James Snyder

Breaking into Broadway: Essential Tips for Aspiring Actors

Broadway, the crown jewel of live theater in New York City, represents the pinnacle of achievement for actors worldwide. The path to Broadway, however, is as challenging as it is rewarding, requiring a unique blend of talent, perseverance, and strategy. Having an extensive background in Broadway himself, James Snyder knows all about what it takes to make the cut. This guide aims to navigate aspiring actors through the complexities and competition of the Broadway industry.

  1. Mastering the Art

To begin your journey, a solid foundation in acting is crucial. Enrolling in prestigious acting schools like Juilliard or Tisch School of the Arts is highly recommended. These institutions provide not only excellent training, but also countless opportunities for networking. As Broadway often demands versatility, enhancing your skills in both singing and dancing is equally important. Regularly attending industry workshops and seminars is also a great way to continuously learn and network with professionals. Such continuous training and exposure are indispensable tools for an actor’s growth.

  1. Gaining Practical Experience

Gaining hands-on experience in acting begins in local or community theaters. This is where you learn about stage dynamics and audience interaction. Taking on a variety of roles in different genres will prepare you for the vast range of opportunities on Broadway while demonstrating your versatility to casting directors. Participating in talent showcases and festivals can also provide visibility and open doors to agents and industry professionals.

  1. Industry Insight

Understanding the business aspect of Broadway is as important as honing your acting skills. Familiarizing yourself with the workings of production companies, the roles of agents, and the financial aspects of theater is crucial. A basic grasp of theater economics, such as understanding production costs and ticket sales, is beneficial for discussing contracts and comprehending the stakes of a production.

  1. Networking Strategies

Networking is a pivotal part of building a career in Broadway. Attending Broadway shows, openings, and industry events provides excellent opportunities to make new connections. Building a professional presence on social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter helps with making your work visible and sharing it or connecting with industry professionals. Remember, fostering genuine relationships with fellow actors, directors, and crew members is key in the tight-knit theater community.

  1. Audition Techniques

Preparation is key for auditions. Researching the character, the show’s style, and the director’s previous work is essential. Choose your audition materials, such as monologues or songs, that best showcase your strengths and align with the role and the show’s style. Every audition, whether successful or not, is a learning opportunity. When appropriate, be sure to ask for feedback and use it to enhance your skills.

  1. Developing Resilience

The journey to Broadway is often full of rejections. Learning to handle rejection gracefully and viewing it as another step towards your goal is vital to maintaining motivation. Staying inspired by attending shows, reading plays, and engaging with the theater community helps with keeping your passion and drive strong.

  1. Keeping Informed

Stay updated on current and upcoming Broadway productions to understand the industry’s trends and potential opportunities. Following theater news, reviews, and forums keeps you informed about the industry, audience preferences, and critical reception, which are all invaluable for an aspiring Broadway actor.

  1. Seeking Representation

Finding the right agent is crucial in advancing your Broadway career. Research agents with a history of working with theater actors and choose someone who believes in your talent and aligns with your career aspirations. A good agent can provide access to opportunities and guide you through the complexities of the industry.

  1. Balancing Life

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for actors, given the physical and mental demands of theater. Managing your finances is also important, as acting jobs can be intermittent. Many actors supplement their income with related work such as teaching, voice-overs, or part-time jobs in other sectors.

Every Broadway star’s journey is filled with personal achievements and setbacks. It’s a path that demands skill, perseverance, strategy, and often a bit of luck. Remember that Broadway is more than a destination; it’s a journey of artistic growth and self-discovery. As you embark on this path, continuously hone your craft, stay connected, and believe in your own potential to shine on the Broadway stage.

James Snyder

Techniques for Expressive Singing and Speech

Athletes have pre-game rituals, and so do performers. While the former stretch, the latter conducts vocal warm-ups, projecting exercises, and diction practices to ensure they can deliver expressive singing and speaking on stage.

From the much-loved lip trills to the oh-so-necessary breathing exercises, James Snyder explains that singers and actors have countless techniques at their disposal to ensure their voices are tuned to perfection.

Vocal Warm-Ups

Warming up the voice does more than ready the vocal chords; it loosens the body and ensures performers are loose, relaxed, and ready to tackle the script or song.

There are tons of vocal warm-ups to try. The following three are the most popular for ensuring clear, impactful speech.

Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are the number one way for relaxing the vocal folds before a performance, while also helping expand the voice’s range. Some of the best include:

  • Straw trick — Many actors find putting a straw in their mouth and practicing humming or inhaling/exhaling allows them to focus completely on their breathing and keep their body and face static.
  • Hissing exhale — This involves inhaling for any amount of time and producing an “sss” hissing noise on the exhale. For best results, professionals encourage people to change the amount of time they’re inhaling and hissing, aiming for as long as possible.
  • Floor technique — Focusing on the breath becomes easier when lying on the floor and placing a hand on the abdomen.

Lip Trills

Lip trills (i.e., blowing raspberries or bubbling the lips) loosen the facial muscles, warming the vocal folds at the same time. Interestingly, they’re even more effective conducted in the shower, thanks to the steam. The YouTuber, Singgeek, provides a fantastic tutorial for doing the lip trill properly.

Descending on Nasal Consonants

Performers shouldn’t forget to warm up the nasal passages and sinuses too with this exercise.

Doing this is relatively easy. Singers can take the “gn” sound from “onion” and slide it using glissando style. Alternatively, they can recite any word ending in a “Z,” lingering on the “zzz” for resonance.

James Snyder

Projection Exercises

Voice projection (using the voice loudly, clearly, and powerfully) is vital for stage performers to keep the audience’s attention and ensure they hear every word clearly. A few ways to practice and improve projection are:

  • Speaking in different environments — Switching up the environment (e.g., with ambient noise, on a large stage, etc.) helps performers use their voice appropriately for the space.
  • Strengthening the core — A strong core is essential for voice support. Exercises like yoga and/or Pilates work well.
  • Relaxed inhalations — Focus on allowing the breath to fill the lower belly and back gently, we often tense up our throats when breathing in with force. Think of a pane of glass on the front and back and you gently work to push each one away from your body while filling the lungs with air.

Diction Techniques

Running through tongue twisters is the best way to enhance diction (i.e., the enunciation and verbiages somebody uses). Any memorable ones will work wonders, such as:

  • How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  • We surely shall see the sunshine soon.
  • Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
  • She sells seashells on the seashore.
James Snyder

Breaking into the Industry: Tips for Aspiring Singers and Actors

Jennifer Lawrence and Channing Tatum got their start as teenage models. Jennifer Lopez landed her first gig as a dancer in Europe. Rapper Eminem honed his skills while competing in underground rap battles in Detroit.

Sarah Jessica Parker, Meryl Streep, James Earl Jones, and Viola Davis? All got their start on Broadway.

There’s no secret formula to break into the entertainment industry. James Snyder explains that it takes talent good luck and networking. It can require years or decades of practice and sacrifice, whether the goal is Broadway, TV, film, or music. And it always takes hard work.

Dream, But Have a Goal

Actor Denzel Washington once said that a dream is just a dream without a goal. Millions may dream of acting and singing professionally, but millions fall short. A good place to start is thinking about the reasons why one is interested in acting and singing. Is it a hobby or a career? Is it to become a respected character actor or a star? Is Broadway a better fit than Hollywood?

If “career” is the answer, do some research. Find a great teacher, find a good acting class, or undergo intensive singing training. Finding an agent or booking auditions comes later, but in order to set oneself up for success, breaking into the industry means committing completely to the career goal.


That old saying that it’s that a big part of landing a job is who you know? That’s especially true in the entertainment industry and it’s even more true for singers and actors. Budding performers will likely need to relocate to either Los Angeles or New York City and the networking should begin right away.

It helps to meet and befriend fellow actors, whether it’s in classes or during auditions. Networking should extend to connecting with theater and TV/film directors if possible. These connections are often invaluable throughout a performer’s career — in good times and bad.

james Snyder


In the pursuit of an acting role, unwavering self-belief becomes the cornerstone, fortifying the path to success amidst the challenges. Beyond networking, breaking into the industry requires a stellar, well-crafted resume and a portfolio (acting reel, modeling work, singing demo) that is always up to date.

This may include professional headshots or an acting demo reel to show range and experience. Many actors and singers aren’t afraid to promote themselves online as well through social media, especially when they are struggling to get a break.

Keep Learning

No gig is too small in the beginning, whether it’s a bank commercial, a blink-and-you-missed-me film extra, or a Broadway understudy. All are priceless learning experiences.

But landing jobs doesn’t mean an entertainer has mastered their craft. Even the most successful actors still take acting classes or engage in workshops. Singers still practice for hours each day and get vocal lessons even if they get a record deal or hit it big on a TV show. Oscar, Tony, and Grammy winners often still need to audition for roles or gigs.
The most important things an entertainer can do when trying to break into the industry is believe in themselves and keep working hard.

James Snyder

Exploring the Interplay Between Singing and Acting

Hugh Jackman. Idina Menzel. Ben Vereen. Raul Esparza. Lea Salonga. Billy Porter. Audra McDonald. Barbra Streisand. What do they all have in common? All of these stars of the stage and screen are equally talented at both singing and acting, but they’re at their very best when doing both at once.

Sure, many artists can sing and many can act. It’s a truly unique gift, though, to have the talent for doing both, being capable of overlapping one medium with the other to enhance them both. A fabulous singer/actor can excite and inspire audiences to reach new emotional heights as a storyteller.

James Snyder explores the harmony between singing and acting that makes these stars such uniquely talented theatrical performers.

Techniques and Skills Required to Seamlessly Blend Both Disciplines

The first step to becoming a great singing actor is, of course, to develop both skills. But did you know that becoming a great actor first can naturally make you a better singer? The best singers convey complex, subtle emotions, which is exactly what actors naturally know how to do.

For each song, performers should solidify their technique and memorize lyrics so that they know it by heart. Then, it becomes easier to focus on the character work. They should think about who is singing the song, what they want, what they fear, and who they are singing to.

By breaking down each lyric and finding personal meaning, it becomes easier to connect with what the character should be feeling. Finding the emotional life of the song makes for a better performance than simply hitting every note accurately.

How Actors Use Song to Convey Emotions and Enhance Storytelling on Stage

The SAVI Singing Actor by Charlie Gilbert notes there are four main points for performers to focus on when using their voice as an instrument for playing a character. Actors can use the acronym SAVI to remember them:

james Snyder
  • Specificity: Being specific means making strong choices with confidence, both internally (motivation, intention, subtext) and externally (gestures, facial expressions, line readings). Performers should practice making bold choices so it becomes second nature. Choices give an air of realism and excitement to the portrayal.
  • Authenticity: The performances that resonate the most with audiences are truthful. Actors should find their personal truth in a song and apply it to the character, then try to maintain authentic/realistic body language so it doesn’t look like they are simply “performing.”
  • Variety: Keep the song from being “one-note,” both literally and figuratively! Making several specific choices throughout the song keeps the forward momentum of the plot and characterization going while maintaining the audience’s interest.
  • Intensity: Actors need to train like athletes in order to go to the necessary extremes in their performances, especially for long loud notes and songs that require lots of movement.

For a perfect example of these four qualities in one knockout performance, check out Raul Esparza’s brilliant line readings – and singing – in the climactic “Being Alive” from the 2008 production of Company.


By developing one’s skills, becoming SAVI, and studying the best of the best, one can gradually learn how to combine singing and acting to reach new heights as a magnetic storyteller.